BBC News: Apple ‘to switch to Intel chips’
Today’s movie: ‘Driving through the Basque country’
Got back from the Basque country yesterday evening. Arrived in Madrid around 6.30pm with the temperature hovering around 34 C! The scenery there is amazing. Green is the best word I can think of for describing it. You can check out some of the photos I took of the Basque country here. We did a bit of walking in one the many forests and I also attempted to play Pelota Vasca. I don`t recommend it for the hands. I even learnt a few words in Basque, which bears no resemblance at all to Spanish, but unfortunately I seem to have forgotten what they were.
A bit of advice. If you ever plan on visiting the Basque country, I recommend that you take some form of identification with you. A Spanish friend of mine told me that because the Basque country is home to ETA, the terrorist group, the police in the area are quite fond of randomly checking people for identification. I didn`t take any form of identification with me but thankfully we weren`t stopped. In my defence, my friend didn`t tell me that I needed to take any until we were already halfway there 🙂